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SSMS Athletic Booster Club Officer Elections for the 2023-2024 School Year 

Officer elections for the Sycamore Springs Athletic Booster Club (SSMS ABC) will be held April 4th at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria at SSMS.  

The following officers positions are open and any SSMS ABC member can vote. We will also need many more volunteers and committee members to make the program a success and hope you consider serving.

Board Positions 



VP Girls Sports

VP Boys Sports

VP Communications


VP of Fundraising/Sponsorship

VP of Merchandising



Additional information: 

Officers serve a 1 year term aligned with the fiscal year of SSMS ABC which runs July 1st through June 30th . Elected officers must be a SSMS ABC member in good standing as well as the guardian or parent of a student enrolled at the school participating in Athletics. 

If you are interested in helping out in any of the above roles please contact or any of our current board members for details. 

Nominations will be taken from the floor during the election meeting. We anticipate and expect to announce the 2023-2024 board at the close of the meeting.  


  • Preside at all meetings of the organization.

  • Recruit and fill vacant positions, with majority vote of the elected officers.

  • Serve as SSMS ABC’s liaison, and principal representative of the SSMS ABC, to the public, media, or any school administration official.

  • Create special committees, as needed, and appoint a chairperson and/or committee members to those committees.

  • Ensure that officers and coordinators fulfill their duties as listed in the bylaws.

  • Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie at any meetings at which he/she presides, or waive the right to do so.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.


  • Maintain an updated copy of the By-Laws and any other legal documents (501c3 paperwork, etc.)

  • Give notice of all meetings.

  • Keep an accurate list of membership.

  • Keep and make available minutes of all meetings of the organization.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.

VP Girls’ Sports

  • Serve as SSMS ABC’s liaison with the Girls’ AD and coaches to help them with the items needed including; athletic gear, concession stands, game day meals, etc.  as well as communicating wish list items to the SSMS ABC officers for consideration.

  • Appoint coordinators, as needed, to ensure that these duties are fulfilled.

VP Boys’ Sports

  • Serve as SSMS ABC’s liaison with the Boys’ AD and coaches to help them with the items needed including; athletic gear, concession stands, game day meals, etc.  as well as communicating wish list items to the SSMS ABC officers for consideration.

  • Appoint coordinators, as needed, to ensure that these duties are fulfilled.

VP Communications

  • Maintain the SSMS ABC website & Facebook page.

  • Maintain the group email systems and/or SportsYou to facilitate communications with members.

  • Establish and maintain other communications systems to facilitate communications between the athletic staff, officers, and coordinators.

  • Appoint other individuals or committees to assist in carrying out duties, as needed.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.

VP Merchandising

  • Ensure that all athletic gear is in stock, place orders as needed. 

  • Maintain purchasing website for on-line orders.

  • Collect & fulfill orders for required athletic gear, optional spirit wear and spirit items.

VP of Fundraising/Sponsorships

  • Recruit and obtain sponsors for each new school year.

  • Follow through with sponsor responsibilities, ie signage, cards, etc.


  • Receive all moneys for the organization, and deposit same in the approved SSMS ABC bank account(s).

  • Disburse authorized finds upon proper authorization.

  • Maintain bank account(s).

  • Promptly pay all SSMS ABC bills, properly approved by the officers.

  • Develop an annual budget.

  • Prepare and present financial reports at all officer and membership meetings.

  • Submit and file all reports and paperwork necessary to DSISD umbrella board

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.

VP Concessions

  • Assign additional volunteers or create committees as needed.

  • Ensure that concession stands are stocked for home games.

  • Create sign up for Concession Stand Volunteers.

  • Coordinate with the treasurer to get the cash box for home games. 


Sycamore Springs Middle School 

Athletic Booster Club Bylaws

The following are the Bylaws of the Sycamore Springs Middle School Athletic Booster Club, organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.




Section 1:

The name of this organization shall be the Sycamore Springs Middle School Athletic Booster Club (SSMS ABC).




Section 2.1:

The purpose of SSMS ABC is to provide both volunteer & financial support to the Sycamore Springs Middle School athletics program, its coaches & participants.


Section 2.2:

The SSMS ABC is a 501(c)(3) organization operating within the guidelines and established policies of Sycamore Springs Middle School, Dripping Springs High School Athletic Booster Club, Dripping Springs Independent School District, the University Interscholastic League (UIL), and these bylaws.


Section 2.3:

The mission of the SSMS ABC is to:

  • Promote in our student athletes, good sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and a strong work ethic - both on the field or court and in the classroom.

  • Provide financial support through monies raised by volunteers and via sponsorships, so that we may purchase supplies and equipment, and make capital improvements beyond what the school athletic budgets provide.

ARTICLE III: Membership & Voting


Section 3.1:

The membership of SSMS ABC shall consist of persons who are interested in supporting the Sycamore Springs Middle School athletic program.


Section 3.2:

All active coaches, the Principal, the Assistant Principal(s), and the Athletic Directors shall automatically be considered ex officio members of the SSMS ABC.


Section 3.3:

Changes to the annual dues amount, changes to the Bylaws, election of officers, and other business items requiring a vote will be voted on during a general membership meeting, with a quorum present.  The members present at any membership meeting of the organization, provided at least ten (10) members are present, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum the membership may not take action. In that event, any matter brought before the membership at a meeting at which a quorum is not present shall be discussed and decided by the Executive Board.


Section 3.4: 

In extreme cases, a vote requiring a quorum may be taken by electronic signature. The event of an extreme case is determined by the Athletic Directors and the President of the SSMS ABC.


Section 3.5:

Each member has one vote, with the exception of the President who only votes in the event of a tie. Only members in good standing may vote.


ARTICLE VI: Elected Officers & Duties


Section 4.1:

The elected officers of the organization will be:

  • President

  • Secretary

  • VP Girls’ Sports

  • VP Boys’ Sports

  • VP Communications

  • VP Merchandising

  • VP Fundraising/Sponsorships

  • Treasurer

  • VP Concessions


Section 4.2:

The President shall:

  • Preside at all meetings of the organization.

  • Recruit and fill vacant positions, with majority vote of the elected officers.

  • Serve as SSMS ABC’s liaison, and principal representative of the SSMS ABC, to the public, media, or any school administration official.

  • Create special committees, as needed, and appoint a chairperson and/or committee members to those committees.

  • Ensure that officers and coordinators fulfill their duties as listed in the bylaws.

  • Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie at any meetings at which he/she presides, or waive the right to do so.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.


Section 4.3:

The Secretary shall:

  • Maintain an updated copy of the By-Laws and any other legal documents (501c3 paperwork, etc.)

  • Give notice of all meetings.

  • Keep an accurate list of membership.

  • Keep and make available minutes of all meetings of the organization.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.


Section 4.4: 

The VP Girls’ Sports shall:

  • Serve as SMSABC’s liaison with the Girls’ AD and coaches to help them with the items needed including; athletic gear, concession stands, game day meals, etc.  as well as communicating wish list items to the SSMS ABC officers for consideration.

  • Appoint coordinators, as needed, to ensure that these duties are fulfilled.


Section 4.5:

The VP Boys’ Sports shall:

  • Serve as SSMS ABC’s liaison with the Boys’ AD and coaches to help them with the items needed including; athletic gear, concession stands, game day meals, etc.  as well as communicating wish list items to the SSMS ABC officers for consideration.

  • Appoint coordinators, as needed, to ensure that these duties are fulfilled.


Section 4.6:

The VP: Communications shall:

  • Maintain the SSMS ABC website & Facebook page.

  • Maintain the group email systems to facilitate communications with members.

  • Establish and maintain other communications systems to facilitate communications between the athletic staff, officers, and coordinators.

  • Appoint other individuals or committees to assist in carrying out duties, as needed.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.


Section 4.7:

The VP of Merchandising shall:

  • Assign additional volunteers or create committees as needed.

  • Ensure that all athletic gear is in stock, place orders as needed. 

  • Maintain purchasing website for on-line orders.

  • Collect & fulfill orders for required athletic gear, optional spirit wear and spirit items.

  • Maintain all documents pertinent to this role in a central, electronic location – to be made available to any person elected or appointed to fill this position in the future.


Section 4.8:

The VP of Fundraising/Sponsorships shall:

  • Recruit and obtain sponsors for each new school year.

  • Follow through with sponsor responsibilities, ie signage, cards, etc.

  • Maintain all documents pertinent to this role in a central, electronic location – to be made available to any person elected or appointed to fill this position in the future.


Section 4.9:

The Treasurer shall:

  • Receive all moneys for the organization, and deposit same in the approved SSMS ABC bank account(s).

  • Disburse authorized finds upon proper authorization.

  • Maintain bank account(s).

  • Promptly pay all SSMS ABC bills, properly approved by the officers.

  • Develop an annual budget.

  • Prepare and present financial reports at all officer and membership meetings.

  • Submit and file all reports and paperwork necessary to maintain the 501(c)(3) status of the association.

  • Maintain all records and pertinent documents in a central, electronic location – to be accessed by any person elected or appointed to succeed him/her in office.

Section 4.10:

The VP Concessions shall:

  • Assign additional volunteers or create committees as needed.

  • Ensure that concession stands are stocked for home games.

  • Create sign up for Concession Stand Volunteers 

  • Coordinate with treasurer to get cash box for home games. 

  • Maintain all documents pertinent to this role in a central, electronic location – to be made available to any person elected or appointed to fill this position in the future.

ARTICLE V: Executive Board and Appointments

Section 5.1:

The Executive Board shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the membership. It may create Standing and Special Committees. The members of the Executive Board may also appoint coordinators to assist them in their duties.


Section 5.1.1:

Appointed coordinators – as deemed necessary by the VP they’re assigned to shall refer to the handbook for their position, and update it accordingly – as any changes are made to the duties, or to include any recommendations based on their experience during the year.


Section 5.1.2:

Coordinators shall create committees and recruit volunteers to aid in their responsibilities, as needed.


Section 5.1.3:

Coordinators shall present reports at general meetings, and these reports shall be included in the minutes of the general meeting.


Section 5.2:

A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business shall consist of at least three (3) officers in attendance.


Section 5.3:

Executive Board members shall serve without compensation with the exception that expenses incurred in the furtherance of the organization’s business are allowed to be reimbursed with documentation in accordance with the organization’s financial policies, and prior approval.


ARTICLE VI: Elections, Qualifications and Vacancies


Section 6.1:

Officers shall serve a one year term. Officers may run for the same office more than one time.


Section 6.2:

Officers are elected annually at either the March or the April general membership meeting, with newly elected officers attending May and/or June meetings, with the current officers and Athletic Directors, in preparation for the coming school year. The new officers shall assume their official duties to coincide with the start of the new fiscal year.


Section 6.3:

Elected officers must be the legal guardian or parent of a student enrolled at the school.


Section 6.4:

Only members in good standing can be elected or appointed as officers or coordinators.


Section 6.5:

In the event of a vacancy of an office, that position shall be filled by appointment with majority vote of the remaining officers. Such appointment shall expire with the original term of the position being filled. 


ARTICLE VII: Fiscal Year & Finances


Section 7.1:

The fiscal year of SSMS ABC shall be July 1 – June 30. 


Section 7.2:

The Executive Board shall present to the membership a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year. This budget shall be used to guide the activities of the organization during the year, including service as approval for anticipated expenditures. Any substantial deviation from the budget must be approved in advance by the membership.


Section 7.3:

The Executive Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the organization.


Section 7.4

No loans shall be made by the organization to its officers or members.


Section 7.5:

All money belonging to this organization shall be deposited in a local bank under the name of the club. Deposits and disbursements shall be made in a timely manner. These funds may be used to support any activity of the Sycamore Springs Middle School Athletic Department and for general expenses of the SSMS ABC as authorized by the executive board.


Section 7.6:

The organization shall adopt appropriate financial controls to ensure the integrity of its funds.

  • All expenses must be approved by the membership by way of approval of an annual budget, or amendments thereto, or be approved by a separate resolution of the Executive Board;

  • All cash must be counted by two (2) unrelated people, documented on some form of cash tally sheet, and signed by each counter;

  • All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money on behalf of the organization shall be signed by the Treasurer and  by one other person as authorized in writing by the Executive Board. 

  • A committee of at least two (2) people without check signing authority shall annually audit all corporate finances.

Section 7.7:

The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each membership meeting of the organization and prepare a final report at the close of the year in accordance with the organization’s financial policies. The Executive Board shall have the report and accounts examined annually. As long as the organization grosses less than $200,000 annually, this review can be done by an internal audit committee.


Section 7.8:

All records of the organization shall be maintained and destroyed in accordance with the law, and standard record retention guidelines.


Section 7.9:

If the SSMS ABC is dissolved, upon the paying of its debts, its assets shall be transferred to the Dripping Springs High School Athletic Booster Club. No assets, monetary or otherwise, shall pass directly to any other organization or individual. 

ARTICLE VIII: Meetings and Notice


Section 8.1:

The officers shall hold regular officer and membership meetings as is deemed necessary by the officers, at a time and location determined by the officers. 


Section 8.2:

Membership meetings shall be publicized on the booster club website at least one week in advance. Officer meetings shall be held prior to the membership meeting.


Section 8.3:

Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly fashion, following the agenda published on the website the week prior to the meeting.


Section 8.4:

A March or April General Membership meeting shall include the election of officers, for any open positions that are to be filled. 


ARTICLE IX:  Conflicts of Interest


Section 9.1:

Directors, officers and contractors should refrain from any actions or activities that impair, or appear to impair, their objectivity in the performance of their duties on behalf of the Corporation. A conflict of interest may exist when the direct, personal, financial or other interest(s) of any officer, director or contractor competes or appears to compete with the interests of the Corporation. If any such conflict of interest arises the interested person shall call it to the attention of the Board of Directors for resolution. If the conflict relates to a matter requiring board action, such person shall not vote on the matter. When there is a doubt as to whether any conflict of interest exists, the matter shall be resolved by a vote of the Board of Directors, excluding the person who is the subject of the possible conflict.


Section 9.2:

The person having a conflict shall not participate in the final deliberation or decision regarding the matter under consideration and shall retire from the room in which the Board is meeting. However, the person may be permitted to provide the Board with any and all relevant information.


Section 9.3:

The minutes of the meeting of the Board shall reflect that the conflict was disclosed and the interested person was not present during the final discussion or vote and did not vote on the matter.


Section 9.4:

A copy of this conflict of interest statement shall be furnished to each director, officer or contractor who is presently serving the Corporation, or who hereafter becomes associated with the Corporation.  All new officers, directors and contractors shall be advised of the policy upon undertaking the duties of their offices.


ARTICLE X: Indemnification


Section 10.1:

Every member of the Executive Board or officer of the Corporation may be indemnified by the Corporation against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such members of the Board or officer in connection with any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit or proceeding to which she/he may become involved by reason of his/her being or having been a member of the Board or officer of the Corporation, or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duties. Provided, however, that in the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the Corporation. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition and not exclusive of all other rights which such member of the Board or officer is entitled.


ARTICLE XI: Changing the Bylaws


Section 11.1:

These bylaws may be amended, repealed and/or replaced with new bylaws, by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at any membership meeting. 


Bylaws Adopted: 

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